best article on your website on a topic - Aloron Multimedia


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Thursday 19 November 2020

best article on your website on a topic

Do you want to write the best article on your website on a topic? Follow these steps:

We all want to learn and know how to write the best article on the web with content to appear on the first page of Google results . Logical no? After all, the organic traffic that is achieved means a greater number of conversions and therefore greater income to the online business that we are doing.

But really getting in the top positions of Google is really profitable. SEO optimization, keyword research and SEO on page optimization are worth it if after all you are not guaranteed to rank high on Google ?

Fortunately, here we discover how to create content that positions you. We show you how to organize quality content that will help you position yourself in the top positions of search engines and thus get to write the best article on the web.

This process works for us. We use it over and over again to get customer content rankings in Google searches, even when there is strong competition for a particular keyword topic or keyword.

Okay, sometimes it doesn't work, but only when the process can't be followed for one reason or another, usually when a client or the brief sets a word limit (we'll explain later about word count later).

In addition, it should be noted that the results may vary. What works for me or us may not work for you. But it is at least worth a try and as you read this article, you will no doubt understand why your content is not ranking as well as you would like it to.

With all this in mind and in the pipeline, here are the steps to writing quality content and how to write a post. People love to read and Google loves to be read to

1.- Google wants your content to be of quality.

It is no secret to modify Google's algorithms for searches and provide better quality results to users. While the search giant keeps its algorithmic changes a highly guarded secret, Panda , Hummingbird and other animal-related updates have focused on removing low-quality sites from search results and rewarding those who have original quality content and new.

But not to have to trust everything we write and can read. Google's own quality guidelines clearly spell out what you should do to help Google find, index, and rank your site  (see our tutorial). Specifically:

* Make pages primarily for users, not for search engines.

Don't fool your users. Avoid tricks designed to improve search rankings. A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself how you would feel explaining how to compete with a website or how you managed to get in the first positions of Google.

Another useful test is to ask: “Does this help my users? Would you do it if search engines didn't exist?

Think about what makes your website unique, valuable or attractive. Make your website stand out from others in its field.

Pretty basic, right? But the fact is that many people try to play with the system, using sneaky tactics to get their content to rank when actually ...

* Google only wants you to publish quality content!

Why should you listen to what Google wants? Because it is the largest search engine in the world with a huge 90% market share. And because it is the search engine responsible for sending organic traffic to websites. We all want to be on the first page of Google results.

* What about keywords?

When you're writing content, no matter what it is, your goal should be to make it enjoyable for a real person. And if the content you're writing is really relevant to a search term, it must contain keywords related to the topic.

So do keywords really matter?

I found this graphic on global blog quite revealing. Basically, sites that rank well contain far fewer keywords in the body text than sites filled with more keywords.

keyword relevance

"What, how? But keywords are absolutely critical for SEO, right? “, You might be thinking. Well, up to a point.

Traditionally, keywords have been essential for SEO optimization . But with every algorithm update, Google is crawling the web, looking for better quality content to satisfy users' answers to their questions.

So why not think ... Why not both?

* Write only what excites you

If you're writing something that's close to 2,000 words, you'd better be enthusiastic about the topic, or else your lack of enthusiasm will show, and your readers won't be hooked enough to get to the last sentence:

"If you can impress someone - really, really surprise them with something well written - then that's something they will want to share."

And it's true. When someone types a search term into Google , they want the result to comprehensively answer their question, in the most helpful way possible. And if your content is not only detailed but interesting to read, and it is obvious that you are passionate about the subject, the reader will feel passion and enjoy reading your content in its entirety.

* Do your homework

Writing good quality content requires preparation . So before you start there are three things to think about:

2.- What do you want to write about?

Now is the time to choose your topic. Be specific, but detailed. You must have a clear vision of what you want to write. If your idea is vague, not only will it be difficult to write, but your readers will find it confusing.

* What keywords do you want to target?

What specific keyword or phrase do you want to rank for in Google? Knowing your keywords will help you stay on top as you write your content. The keyword you want to position must go in the anchor text or as the anchor of the link. For example, if I want to position a Spanish academy in Quito, and I want to position it in English, I would put a link something like Spanish Courses in Quito . And this word as you can see would be the anchor text or anchor of the link or link.

* What is the "best" article currently available on the subject?

By "best," I'm talking about the top search result on Google, also known as # 1 on Google when you enter your keywords in search.

With these three points in mind, let's take a look at an example.

Let's say you wanted to write an article about WordPress experts that targeted the keywords "WordPress experts." When I type these keywords in the search, this is what comes up:

The first two results are ads, so I'll ignore them. The third result, however, is a genuine article, that is, the "best" article for the keywords "WordPress expert" and the fourth is an expert in wordpress in Seville , which refers to our business niche. . So what I'll do is open that article and detach it, noting:

The header.

The word count.

Index format.

Number of images.

I will also read the post carefully and take notes on what it covers and 

* Research, research, research

Before you start writing content, do your research. Don't try to force yourself with it. There is nothing worse than a poorly researched post and it wastes your readers' time. They will just hate you for it and judge that the rest of your content is low quality too.

Your goal every time you write a piece of content is to create a final resource that is better than anything else that comes up in search. This is what creating quality content is all about - you want your content to rank, so it needs to be the best.

What you need to do is research beyond the best article that was found for those keywords. This means going further, providing more research and original sources for your topic, such as interviews, press releases, facts, figures and links.

Every time I start working on a new article, I always spend at least an hour, often longer, doing research before writing a single word.

Sometimes when I'm researching I have the browser open with 20 or 30 tabs at a time. I keep the links in my notes, and take more notes as I go along, jotting down interesting information, facts, or ideas for future research.

When I've exhausted Google search, I turn to Google News to gather any useful information, facts, or quotes from related articles.

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